Wrist Pain Relief Stretches for Hairdressers

As an in-demand hair professional working behind the chair, you’ve probably experienced wrist pain. Repetitive movements, straining to maneuver heavy tools, even inflammation from pregnancy or weight gain can make your wrists and forearms scream in pain. Here are a few simple Active Isolated Stretches (based on the principle of short, repeated movements) to help with wrist pain relief.

Wrist Extension

Begin with your arm fully outstretched in front of you and your hand palm-side up. With your opposite hand, grasp your outstretched fingers and hand, and gently pull down toward the floor, extending your wrist. Hold for 1-2 seconds, release, and repeat. The movement should be slow, gentle, and rhythmical.

Wrist Flexion

Fully stretch your arm in front of you, elbow straight, and hand extended, palm-side down. With your opposite hand, grasp your outstretched fingers and back of the hand to gently pull them down toward the floor, flexing your wrist. Hold for 1-2 seconds, release, and repeat. The movement should be slow, gentle, and rhythmical.

Wrist Supination

With the arm bent at a 90-degree angle, and your hand extended palm-up in front of you, use your opposite hand from underneath. Gently rotate the hand away from you to stretch the tissues. Hold for 1-2 seconds, release, repeat. Slow and deliberate movements are necessary here.

Wrist Pronation

With the arm bent at a 90-degree angle, and your hand extended palm-down in front of you, use your opposite hand to grasp the outer (pinky-side) edge of your hand. Gently rotate the hand toward you to stretch the tissues. Hold for 1-2 seconds, release, repeat. Make your movements slow and deliberate and change your active hand’s positioning to find the best stretch.

Did You Know? Hot and Cold Care Can Aid Wrist Pain Relief

Heat can loosen hand stiffness and cold is great for hand and wrist pain that is the result of activity or overuse. From submerging your hands in a bowl of uncooked heated rice to holding small, freezable gel pads, find the remedy that works best for your pain and use it!

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These stretches originally appeared in ABMP Body Sense magazine. Gain access to more hairstylist resources as an Associated Hair Professionals member.


What causes wrist pain?

There are many factors that can cause wrist pain such as sprains or fractures as well as long-term issues like stress, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. It can be common in hairstylsts and barbers to have wrist pain due to the repetative motions of cutting, styling, coloring etc. to thier clients. 

How do I know if my wrist pain is serious?

You will know if your wrist pain is serious and requires medical attention if it is preventing you from doing normal day-to-day activities. 

Do wrist wraps help with wrist pain?

Wrist wraps are meant to provide support by reducing the strain on joints and muscles but they may not relieve pain. Wrist wraps are typically only provided by medical professionals to assist in injury healing. 

How long does wrist pain last?

How long wrist pain lasts will vary on the cause of the pain itself. Wrist sprains will typically take anywhere from two to ten weeks to heal. Long-term issues like arthritis may never go away and require constant maintenance to relieve wrist pain.

Wrist pain extension stretches with instructions on the exercise.


Stretching exercises for front and back wrist pain as well as hot and cold care instructions.


These stretches originally appeared in ABMP Body Sense magazine.


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