4 Musts for Good Customer Service

Good customer service, really good customer service, includes a plethora of moving parts that need attention. It can be overwhelming to focus on everything at once, so we’ve narrowed down all the service touchpoints to what we feel are the four most important must-dos if you wish to provide good customer service.

1. Greet.

A greeting, no matter how busy you are, must happen when every client walks in the door. It should be warm, friendly, inviting, and genuine. A client should never feel like it was a burden for you to welcome them. This sets the tone for the entire appointment. (Here are some additional tips for how to make a good first impression.)

2. Listen.

You may reach for the stars, going entirely above and beyond to provide your client with an A+ experience, but if you fail to listen to what your client actually says, everything else was wasted energy.

3. Feedback.

Ask your clients for feedback. Regardless of how hard it is to hear, you need to know where and how the experience you provide isn’t measuring up. Additionally, clients need a place to voice their opinions, particularly if they’re negative (before they turn to Yelp).

4. Thank you.

People need to feel appreciated if loyalty is going to be established. Let your clients know how much their business is appreciated and how much you enjoy them—regularly.  

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BONUS: If you really want to dive deep, this Customer Service Checklist will help you walk through your place of business with the eyes of a client to ensure you're sending the inviting, A+ customer service message you want every client to feel loud and clear.

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