Houston Hairstylists, Let's do this!

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We're getting the Houston hairdressing community together for some real talk and we'd LOVE for you to join our first gathering on May 5th at 6:30 PM. We’ll be meeting at Salon 123 in the lobby. Please RSVP here or by emailing Ali@associatedhairprofessionals.com. If you have a licensed friend that wants to come, we'd love to have them too!

Hopefully this gathering will be just the beginning of building a beautiful community of licensed hair professionals who get together once a month to create a support network and discuss various topics pertinent to building our careers. #AHPRoots #BuildingCommunity #RealTalk #RealConnection #RealCommunity

Salon 123

17675A Tomball Parkway

Houston, TX 77064

Houston, TX
Contact Phone: 
Sunday, May 5, 2019

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