Florida Bill Requires Gender-Exclusive Restrooms
Schools must provide restrooms based on gender
Phone: 850-487-1395
Fax: 850-921-0038
Website: www.myfloridalicense.com/dbpr/pro/cosmo/index.html
Email: call.center@dbpr.state.fl.us
Schools must provide restrooms based on gender
Distance learning has been approved by emergency rule for some subject areas effective July 15, 2020, through March 31, 2022.
There have been many changes in the massage therapy and cosmetology industries and communities in response to COVID-19 (coronavirus), from executive orders affecting businesses, to distance learning modifying the student experience. ABMP has summarized below how COVID-19 has impacted the regulations and laws in the state of Florida, and we encourage you to also look at the information regarding the CARES Act outlined at the bottom of this email, which addresses financial aid and unemployment benefits and other programs.
Prohibition of Practice
The Florida Board of Massage Therapy adopted four new rule changes effective December 2019 that primarily revise rules regarding massage establishments. This includes the new requirement to have a designated manager who is a licensed massage therapist to manage the day-to-day operations of the establishment. ABMP has summarized the changes below regarding massage therapy establishment definitions; licensure; change in location, business name, or designated establishment managers; and license transfers.
Definitions 26.001
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