AHP's Stance on Texas Proposing Cosmetology Deregulation

Important Legislative Update: Texas House Bill 1705

A black and white stock image of woman looking upLegislators in Texas are considering House Bill 1705 (HB1705), a bill that would deregulate the barbering and cosmetology industries and remove the licensing process. Requiring licensure and regulations ensures that the necessary education, training, and techniques (including health and safety) are used to protect public safety.

We are opposing this bill.

The sponsor of HB1705 is Representative Matt Shaheen. The bill has been assigned to the house committee on Licensing and Administrative Procedures. The committee chair is Representative Tracy O. King and vice chair is Representative Craig Goldman.

We encourage you to comment on this bill by contacting Representatives Shaheen, King, and Goldman and tell them you don't support a bill that will deregulate the barber and cosmetology industries of Texas.

On a future date, the Licensing and Administrative Procedures committee will hold a public hearing to discuss this bill and will provide an opportunity for the public to comment. The hearing has not been scheduled but will be posted on the Texas Committee Calendar. You can view it here.



Please share any questions or comments you have regarding HB1705 with us at gr@associatedhairprofessionals.com.



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