Strategic Partnerships for Hair Pros

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This week in our Facebook Live 5-minute lesson (OK, so it was a 3-minute, 22-second lesson. What can I say—I get excited and talk fast.), we talked about strategic partnerships. The idea of “strategic partnerships” does sound corporate and difficult and scary. It’s not.

Strategic partnerships are just slightly more formal relationships. There are key people in your community who are super-well connected. They know tons of people and, more importantly, the people they know fall into your definition of an ideal client. Seek these people out. We’ve put together a list of 12 people/businesses in your community who are in positions to be prime strategic partners for a hair professional. These are just the tip of the iceberg, though. Get creative. arrow full of people

Know someone who fits into this category? Approach the person or business and simply introduce yourself. Let them know you would love to establish a cross-referral network to help grow both of your businesses. Put some ideas on the table and be receptive to whatever ideas they may have, as well.

For example: One of the prime strategic partners for hair professionals on our list is a realtor. Realtors know everyone moving into and around your area. They spend lots of time with their clients and establish trusting relationships. Moreover, they are always looking for more clients so they’re most likely open and eager to establish strategic partnerships for referrals. Identify the agents with the best reputations in your town. Approach one and offer complimentary hair services if they put your information in all of their “welcome to your new home” packets, including your card, brochure, and a $15 gift certificate. Of course, you’ll also keep your ears open to any of your clients looking to purchase or sell a home. Minimal work with unlimited potential for return. arrow full of people

A strategic partnership works better than just a referral program because it’s a business agreement that carries weight. That realtor is going to think twice before coming to get their hair done complimentarily if they know they haven’t upheld their end of the deal to send you new clients.

Don’t just sit around hoping your existing clients will tell some friends about you. Take control of your business and establish some strategic partnerships with well-connected members of your community who have some skin in the game, so to speak. They understand how hard it is to grow a business and will appreciate the cross-referral networking relationship. Just keep working your magic behind the chair and watch those strategic partnerships do your marketing for you.

Here’s that list of 12 Prime Strategic Partners for Hair Professionals to help get you started.

Here’s a link to the mini lesson on strategic partnerships.


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